An improved Buffer Concentrate for preparation of FeSSIF-V2

An improved Buffer Concentrate for preparation of FeSSIF-V2 has been developed to overcome the limitations of the previous maleic acid buffer system. It has similar properties but enables easier medium preparation with better chemical stability as well as low variability.

Composition and physico-chemical properties of FeSSIF-V2

Media preparation

FeSSIF-V2 has been prepared in two ways using FeSSIF-V2 Powder (V2FES) with

1) diluted Biorelevant FeSSIF-V2 Buffer Concentrate (VFESBUF), and

2) original buffer prepared from scratch.

The physico-chemical properties of both mediua have been tested for 48h and are presented in the Table below.

Comparison Table

Physical parameters after preparation

FeSSIF-V2 prepared using FeSSIF-V2 Powder with corresponding diluted Buffer Concentrate and FeSSIF-V2 prepared using FeSSIF-V2 Powder with buffer from scratch have very similar physico-chemical properties (pH, surface tension and buffer capacity). These properties remain stable for at least 48h. FeSSIF-V2 made using FeSSIF-V2 Powder and diluted FeSSIF-V2 Buffer Concentrate is an easy, efficient and reliable preparation method.