Two Stage Biorelevant Dissolution Kit

  • Simulate how a drug product behaves when it contacts the stomach fluid (FaSSGF) and then when it is converted into intestinal fluid (FaSSIF)

  • Particularly important for basic drugs with a higher solubility at acidic stomach pH compared to higher intestinal pH

  • Results will reveal the drug’s tendency to either supersaturate or precipitate

  • Results can help formulation development and optimisation

  • Download our step-by-step Experiment Guide on the Home page

  • Designed for USP 2 dissolution apparatus

  • Drug analysis should be carried out by HPLC

Test Kit Now Available!

  • Contains everything you need to run a Two Stage Dissolution Test in Biorelevant Media (n=6)

  • Synched with our Experiment Guide so you can start testing immediately

  • 70 custom filters included for optimal accuracy and precision

Two Stage Biorelevant Dissolution Kit
Product Code: 2ST-KIT
Total: $

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Test Kit Now Available!

  • Contains everything you need to run a Two Stage Dissolution Test in Biorelevant Media (n=6)

  • Synched with our Experiment Guide so you can start testing immediately

  • 70 custom filters included for optimal accuracy and precision

Two Stage Biorelevant Dissolution Kit
Product Code: 2ST-KIT
Total: $
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Email Purchase Orders to [email protected]. Please include:

- A Purchase Order Number
- Shipping info: address, contact name, email and telephone
- Billing info: address, contact name, email and telephone

First orders will trigger a proforma invoice for pre-payment.
30 days net terms will apply to subsequent purchases.

You can download the Two Stage Biorelevant Dissolution guide here.

Test Kit includes:

*3F Powder (15g ℮)
*FaSSIF Buffer Concentrate
*FaSSGF Buffer Concentrate
*Two Stage FaSSIF Buffer Concentrate
*70 custom filters