Use FaSSIF-V2 Powder with matching Buffer Concentrate for instant medium preparation and maximum reproducibility
Use Media Preparation Tool below for customized preparation instructions
Custom Syringe Filters available in packs of 72 pieces

1) Buy Powder:
55g of powder makes 30 litres of FaSSIF-V2

FaSSIF-V2= Fasted State Simualted Intestinal Fluid Version Two

2) Buy Buffer Concentrate:
Use with FaSSIF-V2 Powder
280g of buffer concentrate makes 6 litres of buffer solution

3) Add Syringe Filters:
For filtration of dissolution samples <5mL we recommend 13mm version
For filtration of dissolution samples >5mL we recommend 25mm version
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Product Description
FaSSIF-V2 is a biorelevant dissolution medium that simulates human fasted state intestinal fluid.
Although FaSSIF-V2 was introduced after FaSSIF, it is not superior to the original medium. It contains the same physiological surfactants as FaSSIF but in a slightly different bile salt to lecithin ratio.
If you are a new user of biorelevant media, we would recommend you start with our best seller FaSSIF/FeSSIF/FaSSGF which enables you to produce 3 different biorelevant media from the same powder (you cannot do so with this FaSSIF-V2 product). Nevertheless, FaSSIF-V2 is still an exceptionally useful testing medium if you are developing an oral drug:
*As with FaSSIF, it can help you gain in vitro insights into drug solubility and dissolution in the small intestine before a meal
*FaSSIF-V2 is described in the recently introduced “USP Chapter <1236> Solubility measurements” as one of the recommended biorelevant media for testing drug solubility in human fasted state simulated intestinal fluid
*Ideal for use in USP1 or USP2 dissolution apparatus (we recommend 900mL of FaSSIF-V2 per vessel)
*Drug analysis can be carried out by HPLC
*Simple and quick preparation method
*Get customized instructions explaining how to make different FaSSIF-V2 volumes from our Media Preparation Tool (see above)