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Biorelevant media

Biorelevant Media 101

How matching dissolution profiles in Biorelevant Media will help identify which Test Formulation will be bioequivalent to the Reference
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Biorelevant media

FaSSIF 101

Generating in vitro dissolution profiles of a Test Product and Reference in this Biorelevant Medium reveals the rates of drug release in vivo
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Biorelevant media

FeSSIF 101

FeSSIF (Fed State Simulated Intestinal Fluid) is a biorelevant test medium that replicates biliary secretions present in small intestinal fluid after eating food
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Biorelevant media

FaSSGF 101

Although drugs are not generally absorbed in the stomach, the interaction with stomach fluid can influence the solubility and dissolution of many drugs greatly and impact on the subsequent absorption
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Biorelevant media


FEDGAS dissolution media contain the full level of fat of an FDA meal along with carbohydrates, water soluble fibre and the low level of bile salts that is present in actual fed state stomach fluid due to intestinal reflux
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Biorelevant media

Biorelevant Media: Discriminatory Dissolution Tools

Interaction of formulations with physiological components of Biorelevant Media mimic wetting and dissolution processes that occur in vivo
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Biorelevant media

What is FaSSIF?

FaSSIF (Fasted State Simulated Intestinal Fluid) is a very useful drug development tool. Tests in this dissolution medium can reveal …

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Biorelevant media

What is FeSSIF?

FeSSIF (Fed State Simulated Intestinal Fluid) is a very useful drug development tool. Tests in this dissolution medium can help …

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Biorelevant media

What is FaSSGF?

FaSSGF (Fasted State Simulated Gastric Fluid) is a very useful drug development tool. Tests in this dissolution medium can help …

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Biorelevant media

What is FEDGAS?

FEDGAS (Fed State Simulated Gastric Fluid AKA FeSSGF) is a very useful drug development tool. Tests in these dissolution media …

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Biorelevant media

FeSSGF vs FEDGAS: a comparison

In vitro dissolution testing of drugs in media that simulate in vivo gastric fluids after a meal can be very …

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How to analyse your drug in Biorelevant Media

After drug separation, the medium (containing dissolved drug) is best analysed by HPLC. HPLC avoids potential interference of the media and can identify possible drug instability
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How to carry out Biorelevant Dissolution

The test is based around USP Chapter <1092> 'The Dissolution Procedure' but it's specifically designed for BCS Class 2 drugs in any Biorelevant Media
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The BCS (Biopharmaceutical Classification System)

Understanding a drug’s BCS class can help guide formulation development and assess development risk and difficulty
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Biorelevant media

How biorelevant media can help develop new drugs (NCEs)

Whether you're a chemist, biologist or pharmacist involved in the development a new oral drug (NCE: New Chemical Entity), biorelevant …

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What is a high-fat meal?

What is a high-fat meal?
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Biorelevant media

An improved buffer concentrate for preparation of FaSSIF-V2

An improved buffer concentrate for preparation of FaSSIF-V2 has been developed to overcome the limitations of the previous maleic acid buffer system.
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HPLC Parameters using FaSSIF-V2

Comparing HPLC profiles of FaSSIF-V2 made using Buffer Concentrate versus FaSSIF-V2 made using buffer from scratch
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Dissolution profiles in FaSSIF-V2

Ibuprofen, Carbamazepine and Diclofenac dissolution profiles in FaSSIF-V2
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Biorelevant media

An improved Buffer Concentrate for preparation of FeSSIF-V2

An improved Buffer Concentrate for preparation of FeSSIF-V2 has been developed to overcome the limitations of the previous maleic acid buffer system.
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HPLC Parameters using FeSSIF-V2

To compare the HPLC profiles of FeSSIF-V2 prepared using a) FeSSIF-V2 Powder with FeSSIF-V2 Buffer Concentrate and b) FeSSIF-V2 Powder with buffer made from scratch, the following HPLC in-house method has been used throughout the different experiments.
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Dissolution profiles in FeSSIF-V2

Dissolution runs, using USP Dissolution Apparatus 2, were carried out at 37°C with 900mL of the FeSSIF-V2 media.
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Biorelevant media

Composition and properties of FaSSIF, FeSSIF and FaSSGF Media prepared from 3F Powder and Buffer Concentrates

FaSSIF, FeSSIF and FaSSGF dissolution media are prepared by diluting FaSSIF, FeSSIF, FaSSGF Buffer Concentrates with water and adding the required amount of 3F Powder®.
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Biorelevant media

pH reproducibility of FaSSIF, FeSSIF and FaSSGF prepared from 3F Powder® and corresponding Buffer Concentrates

Variable pH of a solubility or dissolution medium is one of the most common and significant reasons for irreproducible results which affects decision making and interpretation.
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What is a diluent?

A diluent is a solvent which is added to standard solutions of a drug substance...
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Why include Biorelevant Medium in working standard (WS)

It is important to include Biorelevant Medium when diluting secondary standard (SS) as it keeps the matrix...
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Why Biorelevant Dissolution samples should be diluted for HPLC analysis

Without dilution, drugs which are poorly water soluble may precipitate from biorelevant medium at room temperature after sampling.
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How to examine compatibility and dilution ratio of diluent with Biorelevant Media

Before HPLC analysis of any biorelevant dissolution sample containing drug, it is important to have identified a compatible diluent for the biorelevant media that will be used.
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How to calculate the theoretical maximum drug concentration for Primary Standard (PS)

Before making PS, calculate theoretical maximum drug concentration required for analysis...
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How to dilute and prepare standards

There are three types of standards that need to be prepared when analysing dissolution samples...
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Which dilution ratio to select for HPLC analysis

A suitable diluent ratio should not only keep the sample chemically and physically stable but should also allow the drug to be detected accurately and precisely by HPLC.
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How to prepare working sample of dosage unit(e.g. drug and excipients) with biorelevant medium to check interference

Three steps are required to prepare the working sample of dosage unit...
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Which solutions are required to check for interference

The following solutions should be tested to check for interference...
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How to dilute your secondary standard (SS) and dissolution samples with 1:10 dilution ratio whilst keeping the same matrix

The dilution of standard containing biorelevant medium is slightly different from the biorelevant dissolution sample...
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Selecting the drug concentration range of linearity standards (LS)

The linearity of an analytical method enables (over the range of dissolution concentration) generation of test results...
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Importance of filtration in dissolution sample preparation for HPLC analysis

Filtration is a crucial step in preparing a dissolution sample. It involves passing the sample through a filter to separate solid particles or undissolved materials...
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What is filter compatibility and why is it so important?

There are two aspects of filter compatibility that the dissolution scientist should consider...
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Sample requirements for a drug filter adsorption study

To conduct a drug filter adsorption study, typically, a sample representing around 10% to 20% of drug release from the immediate-release dosage form in the dissolution vessel is needed.
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What is 'specificity'?

Specificity is an integral part of analytical method validation and must be performed by carrying out multiple injections to eliminate potential errors that can occur during experimental sequence.
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What is 'precision'?

The degree of deviation between a set of measurements obtained from multiple analysis of the same homogenous sample under the specified conditions expresses the precision of an analytical method.
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Why are specificity and precision required with biorelevant media?

Biorelevant dissolution media contain natural surfactants which can affect chromatographic properties leading to erroneous analytical results.
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When is a filter adsorption study necessary?

Filter adsorption studies should always be conducted before dissolution studies are carried out when a) a new drug is being tested or b) a different biorelevant medium is being used.
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Key requirements for filters used in biorelevant dissolution testing

We recommend the use of glass filters with pre-filters built-in. These filters have excellent efficiency in removing particles and do not leach substances into the biorelevant media.
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When are specificity and precision required when testing drugs in biorelevant media using HPLC??

Specificity and precision when analysing drugs in biorelevant media by HPLC
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Checking interference by injecting the dosage form in biorelevant medium

Interference of non-drug peaks (originating for example from excipients) should also be evaluated via specificity and precision using a sample which contains the dosage form.
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How many HPLC injections are needed when carrying out specificity and precision?

For specificity and precision tests, it is recommended to carry out a similar number of injections that cover the number of samples that will be analysed by HPLC.
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Two stage biorelevant dissolution

This in vitro experiment simulates the in vivo process when fasted stomach fluid (FaSSGF) containing a drug product is converted to fasted intestinal fluid (FaSSIF).
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What to do if the retention time of a drug is reduced during HPLC analysis

Reduced retention time during HPLC analysis
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Which factors can increase the retention time of an analyte during HPLC analysis

Which factors can increase the retention time of an analyte during HPLC analysis
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How to apply a washing cycle when running an HPLC sequence

How to apply a washing cycle when running an HPLC sequence
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Biorelevant media

Which ingredients are in FeSSIF-V2 Powder?

This post describes the ingredients in this fed state biorelevant intestinal medium and its preparation.
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Biorelevant media

Which ingredients are in FaSSIF-V2 Powder?

Which ingredients are in FaSSIF-V2 Powder?
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Signs of column deterioration

Explains what the common indicators of HPLC column deterioration look like
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How to store HPLC columns after using Biorelevant Media

How to store HPLC columns in the short, mid- and long term after using Biorelevant Media
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Coning of immediate release drug products in a USP 2

Coning of immediate release drug products is a problem
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What are the signs of coning

Signs and examples of coning in a USP 2 dissolution vessel
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PEAK (Apex) dissolution vessels

This post explains what PEAK (Apex) vessels
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What are ghost peaks and why do they occur?

This post describes potential causes of ghost peaks when analysing a drug in biorelevant medium
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What is supersaturation of a drug substance?

This post explains supersaturation of a drug substance
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What is equilibrium solubility of a drug?

This post explains equilibrium solubility of a drug substance in a test medium
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USP <1236>: Solubility Measurements Chapter

This post summarises USP Chapter <1236>
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Filter design for two stage biorelevant dissolution testing

Filters design for two stage dissolution testing
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Single vs repeated use of filters for two stage biorelevant dissolution

This post describes best practice use of filters during two stage dissolution testing
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pH reproducibility of Two Stage Biorelevant Dissolution Kit

Learn about pH of FaSSGF and FaSSIF prepared from the Two Stage Biorelevant Dissolution Kit
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Biorelevant media

What is Canine FaSSIF and Canine FaSSGF?

Learn about the three types of canine biorelevant media
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Biorelevant media

What is a high-fat meal and what is its purpose?

A high-fat FDA meal is a standardized meal that is orally administered along with a drug product to create fed state/condition in human clinical trials.